Step into the glorious world of the honey bee!
At Huka Honey Hive, we offer a self guided experience, where visitors are introduced to all things honey and bees.
Both indoor and outdoor, you can wander through our beautiful gardens, introduce yourself to our busy bees and are provided the opportunity to try a huge range of premium New Zealand honeys, mead and honey-based skincare products - all for FREE!

The Huka Honey Hive story
The story of Huka Honey Hive begins with two extraordinary people, Blair and Dawn. In 1993, they set out to build a business unlike any other, driven by a passion to do things differently.
Their commitment to sustainability, bee welfare and caring for our planet has been an important part of Huka Honey Hive from the very beginning, and continues to be today.
Over 30 years later, their legacy is still going strong.
Together, we create unforgettable experiences for every visitor who walks through our doors.

The same passion for bees
From the beekeepers out in the fields, to the team running our tours, to those selling our products and serving you coffee, every member of our Huka Honey Hive family shares the same passion for bees.
Saving the planet, one bee at a time
This mission is the very heart and soul of everything we do at Huka Honey Hive. Simply put, it’s why we exist and why we plan to exist far into the future.
Bees are integral to our whole ecosystem. Their pollinating magic brings us flowers and fruit, not to mention the golden elixir of honey. We’re passionate about doing all we can to ensure their future survival.
From educating our visitors about the vital role bees play in our world, to maintaining sustainable business practices, we are committed to the welfare of every bee.
Ethically sourced and proudly New Zealand-made
We’re proud to only stock NZ-made honey – and the largest range of manuka and honey products in all of New Zealand. Part of what makes us special is that we know each of our beekeepers personally, sharing with our visitors their amazing work and the intriguing stories behind the honey they produce.
Wherever we can, all of our products are sourced from Aotearoa. When we acquire products outside of NZ, we trace every single one of our suppliers to their roots, ensuring they are 100% ethically-sourced.
This ethos is a part of everything you’ll find at Huka Honey Hive; all the way down to the coffee we use and the cups we serve it in.
We are committed to the welfare of every bee.
Fostering a family feeling
We like to think of ourselves as a family, rather than a business. Family-run and family-oriented, this is the feeling we foster at Huka Honey Hive. Every visitor is welcomed into our honey-filled world and treated as a member of our whānau.
With live bee displays, activities, educational videos and more, Huka Honey Hive creates meaningful and memorable family moments.

Come in summer and enjoy an ice cream whilst exploring our lush garden, filled with native fauna and bee-friendly flowers. In winter time, sit by the roaring fire, sipping on your hot coffee, tea or lemon honey drink.
Whenever you choose to come to Huka Honey Hive, you’ll be met with the warmest of welcomes and a rare opportunity to explore the golden world of the honey bee.